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    Nordic benchrest HV Norway

    Page 1 of 3 Nidaros Benkskytterklubb Have the pleasure to invite You to: Nordic Bench Rest Championships 2014 Program: Friday 08.08.2014 Range open for practice between 0900 and 1800 o’clock Saturday 09.08.2014 Registration between 0800 and 0830 o´clock. Scale available, random controls. Match...
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    Info The Norwegian Benchrest Association (NBSF) had the annual meeting this last weekend, and I was elected new president of the NBSF. My name is Trond Åsly (Aasly). Thanks :wink:
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    WTB barrels 224"

    Wtb barrels 224" 22ppc blanks Hart/kriger/shilen
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    Panda LV/HV 2,950€

    SOLD AUT :wink:
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    Merry Xmast Finland

    Happy Xmast end 2009 Finland :D
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    WTB Jalonen trigger

    I wont to bye I Jalonen trigger
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    Merry xmas Finland

    I wish to all of you a Merry Xmas and all the best for an Happy New Year 2 all in Somi Trond Åsly
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    Nordic cup

    INVITATION TO NORDIC CHAMPIONSHIPS 2006 BENCH REST SHOOTING The NBSF (Norges Benkeskytter Forbund) is pleased to host the Nordic Championships in Bench Rest Shooting. This event will be held on Meheia Range, Kongsberg, under the following agenda. Friday 16.06 Kl. 1600 Training Saturday...