Piekkarin piipun puhdistamisella käyntiä / käyntiä pois

Long Range

Well-known member
Kun meillä on takavuosina ollut piekkareissa pääosin mustasta raudasta tehtyjä ja hiukan karkea sisäpintaisia/ jopa karkean ylimenon omavia piippuja on juuttunut vahva "urbaani legenda" ettei piippua juuri kannata puhdistella kun käynti katoaa.Lyhyemmäksi / pidemmäksikin aikaa.

Sileäksi läpätyt (myös sileäksi viimeistellyt ylimenot) rosteri piiput on aivan eri juttu.(Tavallaan).

Kun lyijyrengas muostuu ylimenoon,kasvaa voima jonka luoti tarvitsee tuon lyijyrenkaan ylittämiseen ja alkupaineen palotapahtuma muuttuu,kun tuo savuton ruuti palaa eri paineessa eri tavoin.Myös piippuvärähdys tod.näk.muuttuu ja vaikuttaa käyntiin.

Utelin Calfeelta muuta asiaa,niin hän laittoi mittaus/punnitus kuvat. Puhtaaseen pesään (ei lyijyrengasta) patruunan tarvitsema sisäänmeno voima oli 2,95 kg. 25 ls aiheuttama lyijyrenkaan muodostumisen jälkeen sisäänmeno voima olikin jo 7,71 kg.

Tärkeää olisi,että esim. 3 x 25 ls kisassa tuo vastapaine pysyisi melko samana/tasaisena.Olipa korkea/ ei.
Tuo puhdistusväli / tyyli vaikuttaa olevan jonkunverran piippu kohtainen.Selviää jokaiselle sisäradalla testaamalla.

Tuossa alla USA.n mestaruuden voittaneen Mike Sherrilin kirjoitus kisan aikaisesta piipun puhdistamisesta.

Lyhyt käännös "high lightseista":(Otin kopion Tiimiläisille lähettämästäni viestistä:)

Kun Mike Sherrill voitti hetki vaimonsa kuoleman jälkeen Jenkkien mestaruuskisan hän kirjoitti ao tekstin.Saatoin tämän jo aiemmin laittaa,mutta kertoo kisan aikaisesta piipun puhdistamisestaan aikas yksityiskohtaisesti.

He ampuivat 6 taulua (25 kilpa ls + sighterit/taulu) eli 150 kilpalaukausta ja sighterit päälle.

*1,2,3 kortin väleissä hän työnsi 1:n öljylapun ja perään 2 kuivaa lappua

*Huomasi 3ssa taulussa jo hiukan käynnin heikkenemistä.(80-90 ls?)

*3 ja 4 taulun välissä ensin öljytty lappu läpi piipun,käytti öljyttyä pronssiharjaa, sen perään vielä öljytty lappu ja sitten 2 kuivaa lappua.

*Taulujen 4-6 väleissä taas 1 öljytty lappu ja 2 kuivaa perään.

*Ampui tietty kortin alkuun sightereita ja kun ne “vahvoja” niin sitten kisatäplien kimppuun.

Ja uusi USA:n mestari oli syntynyt.

My 2019 ARA Indoor Nationals Story
By Mike “Big Dog” Sherrill

I have always dreamed of winning a National Championship level tournament. This accomplishment would affirm the ability, drive, dedication, and perseverance to our benchrest sport needed to reach this goal. Very few competitors are able to include National Champion on their benchrest resume.

Pre-tournament cleaning
More barrels are damaged through poor cleaning procedures than are worn out by rounds through the barrel. All barrels are different and may need different cleaning methods. My goal is to clean as little as possible while maintaining the accuracy potential of my barrels. The cleaning method that seems to work best for me is explained below. My pre-tournament cleaning is more intense than what I do between targets. I will pull a brush between targets only when I find the accuracy falling off. This cleaning regimen is as follows;
1. Push one wet patch through (chamber to crown), remove the jag and replace with a bronze brush, wet the brush and pull back through (crown to chamber). Push a wet patch and follow with 2 dry patches (all chamber to crown).
2. Repeat step one.
3. Repeat step one again.

Before the match begins
My thoughts were, I need to start this target off on the right foot to have a chance to reach my ultimate goal. I have to have 100% concentration, shoot ample sighters, and make the correct decision of when to shoot a record bull or go to a sighter instead. I need to use my best benchrest fundamentals, including reseating my rifle in the rest for each shot and using controlled trigger tripping. I need to be aware of indoor mirage and back away from the scope to reset my sight picture when mirage is detected. I had an opportunity to learn a very valuable lesson the previous day during the PSL Tournament. I noticed a trend of most of my misses on the first two PSL cards being in the first five bulls shot on each target. I made the decision to shoot more sighters before starting the record bulls. This assured me that I had truly found the proper hold needed to erase the dots. Once all of this is understood and digested thoroughly, then I paused and asked my personal angel Mary to help me adhere to these rules in order to begin this tournament in the proper way.

Target #1
I shot target #1 sighters as planned; they all showed strong and allowed me to begin the record bulls. I shot a sighter before starting each row of record bulls, the sighters proved to be true to the bulls. After shooting the first 20 bulls my next sighter showed me that things had slightly changed. I adjusted my hold to a crosshair higher and a crosshair less to the right. This target finished out as a 2500, a very good start to the tournament. I’m in 1st place overall by only 50 points.

Target #2
My method of cleaning before this target was; push a wet patch and follow with 2 dry patches (all chamber to crown). I started target #2 in the same manner as target #1, shooting ample sighters including before beginning each row of record bulls. The sighters were strong and told me what I needed to know. The 5th bull I shot leaked out @ 7:00 (lost the plug). The 6th bull I shot leaked out @ 9:00. These two misses caused me to adjust my hold a crosshair more to the right than I had been. My next misses were on the 23rd & 24th bulls that I shot, both @ 12:00; my hold may have crept up slightly from where I was previously holding. Basically all of these misses can be contributed to shooter error due to lack of concentration. This target finished out as a 2300. I’m still in the game. I’m in 2nd place overall, behind by only 50 points.

Target #3
My method of cleaning before this target was; push a wet patch and follow with 2 dry patches (all chamber to crown). I started target #3 in the same manner as the previous targets, shooting ample sighters including before beginning each row of record bulls. The sighters weren’t as tight as the previous targets but still showed the same tendencies. I missed my 9th bull @ 7:00, my 13th bull @ 9:00 (lost the plug), and the 18th bull @ 6:00. All three were close misses due to possible dirty barrel. This target finished out as a 2350. I’m still in the game. I’m in 2nd place overall. I’m behind by 150 points.

Target #4
My method of cleaning before this target was; push a wet patch (chamber to crown), remove jag and pull a wet bronze brush back (crown to chamber) then push a wet patch and follow with 2 dry patches (all chamber to crown). I added pulling the bronze brush due to the sighters on target #3 being looser than the prior targets. I started target #4 in the same manner as the previous targets, shooting ample sighters including before beginning each row of record bulls. The sighters returned to being very tight. The target went extremely well, but I dropped bull #23 @ 12:00, I assume due to a small hold error. This target finished out as a 2450. I’m still in the game. I’m in 2nd place overall, behind by only 50 points.

After day #1 of competition
The first day we completed targets 1 thru 4. The day went very well for me. I’m in 2nd place behind by only 50 points. My equipment and ammo performed extremely well. My decision making and concentration was also at a high level. I was looking forward to day two.

Before Target #5 begins
I tried to get in the right frame of mind to continue my pursuit of the championship. I revisited my previous thoughts used before target #1, these thoughts were, I need to start this target off on the right foot to have a chance to reach my ultimate goal. I have to have 100% concentration, shoot ample sighters, and make the correct decision of when to shoot a record bull or go to a sighter instead. I need to use my best benchrest fundamentals, including reseating my rifle in the rest for each shot and using controlled trigger tripping. I need to be aware of indoor mirage and back away from the scope to reset my sight picture when mirage is detected. I once again asked my personal angel Mary to help me start day two in a positive manner.

Target #5
My method of cleaning before this target was; push a wet patch and follow with 2 dry patches (all chamber to crown). I started target #5 in the same manner as the previous targets, shooting ample sighters including before beginning each row of record bulls. The sighters were still tight and the card went well. I missed my 15th and 17th bulls both @ 7:00 (lost the plug on both). I let an opportunity slip away by not adjusting my hold another crosshair to the right sooner. These misses were due to my slow response to my sighters, shooter error. This target finished out as a 2400. I’m back in 1st place because of the high target tie breaker.

Between Target #5 & Target #6
I asked my personal angel Mary to help me for one last target, hoping to finish this tournament out for the win. Then I dozed off for a nap while waiting for my relay. I was startled awake when my angel Mary touched my arm and told me “We got this”. There was an excitement but also a calmness that come over me. I was asked if I wanted to know what score I had to have on the last card to win since the other contenders had already shot their last target. I actually replied “No, I just need to shoot a 2500 and then their score wouldn’t matter”. I was completely concerned with my score not anyone else’s. I wasn’t going to be denied this opportunity to be a National Champion by folding under pressure.

Target #6
My method of cleaning before this target was; push a wet patch and follow with 2 dry patches all (chamber to crown). I started target #6 in the same manner as the previous targets, shooting ample sighters including before beginning each row of record bulls. The sighters were still extremely tight. I shot more sighter bulls before I started the record bulls to ensure that I would begin the target with the correct hold, I wanted to be extra sure in this decision. The target shot like a dream. I felt no pressure and my concentration was off of the charts. I was in the zone. I knew going in that several competitors would be watching through their spotting scopes but, once the 20 minutes started I never thought about them until I released my last shot. I then turned around on my stool and everyone was giving me a thumbs up. The target finished out a 2500. I remained in 1st place and increased my winning margin to 150 points.

After Target #6
When I completed target #6 I knew that I had just won the 2019 ARA Indoor championship. There was no doubt in my mind that it was going to be a 2500. I was able to finish this tournament the way I had envisioned with a 2500.

The awards ceremony
It was very rewarding to accept the 2019 ARA Indoor Tournament Champions Trophy from Dan Killough. Many of the competitors there knew my situation of losing my precious Mary and understood what this win meant to me. I will always remember their heartfelt congratulations to me for my win. This was a very emotional time for me as I was thinking of my precious angel Mary wishing she had been there to share my win like she had always previously been.

The trip home
The trip home was very enjoyable even though it was a solo trip. I was able to share my accomplishment by phone to some very special people in my life. They all knew how bitter sweet this victory was for me. I relived every target and sequence of thought process on the way home.

My reflections of the tournament and my accomplishment
It was a well run and competitive tournament, the best of the best was there. I always say, “Someone that is present will be the winner; we just have to wait and see who has the hot hand”. After a couple of targets you can normally tell who the competitors to beat are. Fortunately, this time, I was one of those competitors. I just had to concentrate, make good decisions, and show patience to stay in position to pull off the win. I was in the game. One thing I worked extra hard at was reading my sighters correctly and starting my record bulls at the proper time. I had many highs during the tournament and was able to escape having any lows. I didn’t have any bad targets which was a result of not having the proverbial bad bullet. This is what we all call having the winners luck. I’m very proud of the fact that I won the tournament going away and not while backing up. It was very satisfying that I shot (2) 2500 targets and set the scoring record for the highest point total of any ARA Indoor National Tournament. The thing I’m most proud of is that I was able to shoot a 2500 on the last target as everyone watched, with the pressure on while competing in the biggest possible ARA Indoor Tournament. This was the win I have dreamed about since beginning my competitive benchrest journey in 2001. It is a tremendous feeling to shoot your sighters, take the needed hold, trip the trigger, and watch the dot disappear. I was in the zone. I wish everyone could have the chance to experience a weekend like I was lucky enough to have.

Mike "Big Dog" Sherrill
Entäs ppc:n piipun putsaaninen ? Kuinka usein kantsii käyttää timanttitahnaa ? Entä pronssiharjan käyttö ?
Taulu ja/tai esim. tuo:


kertonevat. Jokainen putki ja ampuja on yksilö. Yksilö "opiskelee" mm. harjoitellessaan ja siirtää opiskelemastaan saamansa opin

Kaleviuksen arvoituksellinen, ymmärtääkseni latinankielinen ilmaisu oli googlekääntäjän mukaan "tyhjästä mitään tehdään". Kangasniemeläinen runoilija Otto Manninen ilmensi aihetta näin:

"Jos tyhjistä ja vähistä,
ain' alkais räiskää, rähistä,
jäis ruumenet vain tähistä
ja lihoista vain luut.”
Kalevi, timanttia et tarvi käyttää ollenkaan jos puhdistaa piipun kunnolla ammunnan välissä. Jos laiminlyöt puhdistuksen, niin piippuun kerääntyy kaikkea sittiä luodista, ruudiista, nalleista ym. Sittiä saattaa kerääntyä niin paljon, että se ei enään litkuilla lähde, niin silloin pitää käyttää jotakin jämäkämpää, esim borepastaa, timanttia ym. Ampujat käyttää pronssiharjaa tai kovaa nylonharjaa litkujen kanssa aina piippua puhdistaessaan. Puhdista siis piippusi niin hyvin, että ei tarvi hiovia aineita. Osta tirkistelykamera jolla näet piippuusi ja voit todeta onko siellä kuparia tms puhdistuksesi jälkeen. Veikkaan että on ja veikkaan että on iso hiilirengas myös

Ja mitä runouteen tulee, niin filosofin isänä tunnettu Thales totesi, että et gelu nix vrina foraminis. Samaa koulukuntaa olivat myös kolme tunnettua ajattelijaa Arkhimedes, herpes ja diapeettes
